We would like to timely leverage on internal & external information to make better fact-based decisions

We want to ensure our budgeting & planning process is based on well documented key business drivers

Only correct data is useful to us. We need data to be validated at source & trend variations documented

We would like to easily store & share our data with key internal & external stakeholders within a secure controlled platform

We would like to be timely alerted of key developments in our industry, competitor action & what our key customers are saying

We have no time or significant resources to spare for information gathering, organizing & analysis


Feedback we received from our clients when we asked how they would like to interact with internal & external data for better decision making

Today, decision makers are not only overwhelmed by mounds of existing data, but the need to continuously capture new data as businesses evolve and market trends change. Understandably so, this barrage of data, most of which is unstructured continues to deter many decisions makers transiting to fact based from gut based decision making.

That said it is still imperative to strike the right balance between machines and humans, between people's judgments based on experience and expertise and what the data says. The correct infusion of data empowers decision makers to decipher root causes of problems, generate clever hypotheses and objectively arrive at conclusions that refute, not support, cherished assumptions and conventional wisdom.

Our Decision Support Dashboard offering therefore seeks to merge internal & external data and "the gut feeling" bygraphical visual representation of information quickly, clearly and in a "business story" every businessperson can understand.

Unlike traditional Business Intelligence systems that are heavily reliant on statistical formulas, our approach is deeply anchored on understanding your business and its entire ecosystem. We therefore do not confine you to the limitations of technology, but allow you to continuously modify your information requirements so that you always see what is most important to you.

Based on our client interactions, it is clear the root cause of weak data driven decision making emanates from poor linkages between the decision making office (CEO, MD – who mostly tends to be the business owner) and the accounting office (in most businesses still operating as a data collection centre with minimal participation in strategy formulation). Via the CFOs' office, most large well organized businesses have embraced this linkage, and continuously exploit it to create sustainable competitive advantage. This linkage is what our Decision Support Dashboard offers all businesses – via a simple cost effective platform.

Leveraging on our business valuation and forecasting expertise, to complete the "CFO office linkage", we continuously capturenew data sets– and not stopping there, we help you deduce key relationships and offer decision recommendations.

Our approach

Step 1: Detailed definition of Key Performance Indicators (define how management measures success & monitor attainment of target milestones)

Step 2: Data Preparation (reconciling data inconsistencies & imperfections and ensuring minimal junk data at source)

Step 3: Data Analysis (review data to unearth key relationships and document/timely report all key trend variations)

Step 4: Delivery (get the analysis to the right people at the right time and in a format that is easy to consume)

HTM Capital versus Typical BI

Our offering

Fully subscribing to the adage "business success & growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together" we have consciously structured our offering to help you make timely bold decisions without getting your hands dirty sourcing & structuring data.

Business Strategy & Growth

KPI Discovery and Tracking Key Competitor Tracking
Actual vs. Budget Analysis Key Clients Tracking
Economic Key Factors Tracking Aspiration Company Tracking
Industry Key Factors Tracking New Markets/Clients Tracking

Business Operations

Budget preparation support
Strategy execution support
Development of new KPIs in line with business requirements
Support in preparation of Board Papers
Automated performance tracking alerts
Provision of Adhoc data reports to support quick decisions
Structure framework for sourcing key data from different business functions