
We are here to tell you the truth and help you make the right decisions.

Unlike most other investments, buying a business goes beyond signing on the dotted line and tucking away the agreement. As the purchaser (be it whole or partial stake) if your to fully optimise return on investment, you will be required to closely oversee the running of the business and even at times you might be required to step in and directly participate in management. The smartest way of ensuring the post purchase period does not end up being an unbearable burden, or even worse your entire investment is put at risk, is to fully scrutinize the opportunity before you invest. This is where HTM Capital comes in - we are obsessed with dotting all the i’s and crossing all the t’s.

Walking with you through the entire purchase process, we independently review the investment opportunity. As a buyer we believe you must;

  • Fully understand past and future business performance drivers
  • Fully understand the business strategy and competitive advantage
  • Fully understand current and future capital requirements
  • Fully understand current management’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Fully understand how the offer price is derived or if you want to make an unsolicited bid how to price the opportunity