Sampled Client Questions

  • Who are the key players in the industry and why do you think they have been able to sustain their dominance?
  • What are some of the key changes in consumer behavior in the last 3 years and what has this meant for industry players?
  • Has any key company exited the industry in the last 5 years? What are some of the likely factors that led to the exit?
  • What are some of the initiatives being pursued to cut production costs?
  • What are the obstacles to development of the market and what is being done?
  • What are some of the investment opportunities in the industry? Why do you think current players are yet to take advantage of these opportunities?
  • If you were to lead a marketing campaign for a new product, what would you focus on?
  • What has been the general trend in prices and what do you think will shape future movements?
  • Are you aware of any proposed new legislation or rules that might disrupt industry structure?
  • How many good suppliers are there and how competitive is their offering?